
The Association of Mongolian Intellectual Property Association is the only organization dedicated solely to represent the Patent and trademark professionals in Mongolia.

Our members are Intellectual Property Agents and Attorneys who are registered with the Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia as well as those undergoing training to qualify as IP Agents/Attorneys.

Brief History
The Association of Mongolian Intellectual Property Agents was founded in 1996 as Association of the Mongolian Patent Attorneys. That time 6 members had been joined to the Association. Henceforth 49 people have been passed the official IP qualification examination, which was organized by the Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia in 2006, 2010 and 2012 and were authorized to provide IP related services to clients with their technical and legal backgrounds.

In 2007 the Association held all members’ meeting to appoint the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer to run their activity ordinary. All members had been approved the Regulation of the Association and appointed the Board of Directors. 

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Brief History

The Association of Mongolian Intellectual Property Agents was founded in 1996 as Association of the Mongolian Patent Attorneys. That time 6 members had been joined to the Association.

The Association of Mongolian Intellectual Property Agents was founded in 1996 as Association of the Mongolian Patent Attorneys. That time 6 members had been joined to the Association.

Contact us

The Association of Mongolian Intellectual Property Association

point icon1 Science Park
tel icon1 976-99045317, 9919-5893
web icon1
email icon1
twitter icon1 AMIPA
facebook icon1 AMIPA- IP Agents 
